ANALI PAZU 2/ 2012/ 1
October 2012
Volume 2, Number 1
pages 1-60
p-ISSN 2232-416X
Milan Svetec
Natural sciences
Measuring similarity of (annotated) data tables
Milan Svetec, Samo Kralj, Vlad Popa-Nita
Disorder- driven gradual transition of the continuous symmetry- breaking phase transition
Disorder- driven gradual transition of the continuous symmetry- breaking phase transition
Z naključnim neredom spodbujen postopni fazni prehod sistema z zveznim faznim prehodom, ki zlomi simetrijo
Tatjana Unuk
Temperatura in odmerek pektinaz kot regulatorja hitrosti bistrenja jabolčnega soka
Tatjana Unuk
Temperatura in odmerek pektinaz kot regulatorja hitrosti bistrenja jabolčnega soka
Effect of temperature and use of pectinase on apple juice clarification
Engineering sciences and technologies
Rudolf Pušenjak, Maks Oblak, Martin Lipičnika
Competitive Predator-Prey Systems with Time-Dependent Coefficients: A Multistage Homotopy Perturbation Analysis
Competitive Predator-Prey Systems with Time-Dependent Coefficients: A Multistage Homotopy Perturbation Analysis
Tekmovalni sistemi plenilec-plen s časovno odvisnimi koeficienti: Večstopenjska homotopsko perturbacijska analiza
Rebeka Rudolf, Ivan Anžel
The new approach of the production technique of discontinuous Cu-C composite
Rebeka Rudolf, Ivan Anžel
The new approach of the production technique of discontinuous Cu-C composite
Nov pristop v proizvodni tehniki diskontinurnega Cu-C kompozita
Medical sciences
Jerneja Farkaš, Tit Albreht, Lijana Zaletel-Kragelj
Slovenian health care system performance in the light of Euro Health Consumer Index 2012
Slovenian health care system performance in the light of Euro Health Consumer Index 2012
Zmogljivost sistema zdravstvenega varstva Slovenije z vidika Euro Health Consumer Index 2012
Social sciences
Model of quality management in higher business schools