Model vodenja kakovosti v višjih strokovnih šolah / Model of quality management in higher business schools

Branko Škafar

Anali PAZU, 2 (2012), št. / No. 1, strani / pages 52-60
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Povzetek: V prispevku je predstavljen izviren model sistema vodenja kakovosti v višjih strokovnih šolah. Model se imenuje Zahteve sistema vodenja kakovosti v višjih strokovnih šolah. Sam model je nastal v okviru projekta IMPLETUM, Aktivnosti 9 Kakovost. Zahteve temeljijo na sodobnih standardih in modelih vodenja kakovosti. Model se je preizkusil v praksi. Višjih strokovnih šol je v Sloveniji v študijskem letu 2010/11 60. Od teh šol jih je model, ki ga predstavljamo, uporabilo več kot 40 šol. Rezultate ocene, kako koristna je uporaba modela Zahteve sistema vodenja kakovosti v višjih strokovnih šolah, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo analize anket 30 šol, predstavljamo v tem prispevku.
Ključne besede: model; kakovost; zahteve sistema vodenja kakovosti v višjih strokovnih šolah; višje strokovne šole

In this paper a genuine model of the quality management system at the higher vocational colleges is introduced.  The model is called the System Requirements of the Quality Management at the Vocational Colleges. The model itself has been prepared under the IMPLETUM project, Aktivnosti 9 Kakovost (Activities 9 Quality). The requirements are based on contemporary standards and the model of quality management where, among the basic requirements, a requirement for fulfilling the actual legislation and implementing the guide lines into the higher vocational education is stressed. The model has also been tested in the real situation. There were 60 higher vocational colleges in the school year of 2010/11 in Slovenia, of which 40 have used the system introduced in this paper. The results of the evaluation on how the application of the System Requirements of the Quality Management at the Vocational Colleges model is beneficial to the users have been gained with a survey. The survey included 30 schools and the results have been presented in this paper.
Key words: model; quality; requirements of the quality management at higher vocational colleges
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