Predstavitev makro in mikrodesigna površine implantatov za potrebe v oralni implantologiji / Presentation of macro and micro design of implants for use in oral implantology
Rebeka Rudolf, Lidija Zorko in Ivan Anžel
Anali PAZU, 1 (2011), št. / No. 2 , strani / pages 139-144
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Abstract: The development of techniques in oral implantology is connected closely to the macro and micro design of the implant´s surface. This is, namely, the final phase which is crucial for quality of bonding between the implant and the surrounding bone. In this paper are presented the problems which are connected on building and stability maintenance of the system after incorporation of the implant into the oral environment. The implant possibility is, namely, connected with the acceptance and transfer of stresses on the bite surfaces.
Key words: implantology; macro and micro design of surface; osteo- integration process; Ti alloys
Povzetek: Razvoj tehnik v oralni implantologiji je vezan na makro in mikrodesign površineimplantatov. Le-ta je v končni fazi odločilen za kakovost povezave implantata z obkrožujočo kostjo. V prispevku je v teh okvirih predstavljena problematika, ki je vezana na vgradnjo in vzdrževanje stabilnosti sistema po vgradnji implantata v oralno okolje ternjegova zmožnost, da sprejme in prenaša obremenitve na griznih površinah.
Ključne besede: implantologija; makro in mikrodesign površine; oseointegracijski proces; Ti zlitine